Xi Jinping: Xinjiang Will Become a Major Hub of Belt and Road

Xinjiang is in the heart of Eurasia, the furthest point of the earth from the sea, and the pivot of Eurasian integration. It is the crossroads of the most important Silk Road routes and is also rich in natural resources. That explains why those who want to sabotage Eurasian integration are attempting to destabilize Xinjiang with specious accusations of genocide being carried out by Beijing — accusations easily refuted by the data on the region’s population growth.

Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Xinjiang from July 12-15, his first visit in eight years, underlining the new stability in the region and the importance of the area as a  major hub of the East-West Belt and Road Initiative. In reporting about the visit, the Global Times  emphasized the role of Xinjiang as a bridgehead for opening up the country’s west to “break the U.S. economic blockade.”

On July 13, Xi visited the Urumqi International Land Port in the province’s capital, where he observed the operation of various areas of the China-Europe Freight Train assembly center. He then visited the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC), which is similar to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, urging officials there to play a greater role in ensuring the country’s food security and the supply of important agricultural products. Calling the XPCC’s strategic status “irreplaceable”, he expressed the hope that the XPCC will give full play to its role as a stabilizer for securing border areas, a melting pot for bringing people of all ethnic groups together, and a demonstration area for advanced productive forces and culture.

The Chinese President also visited Urumqi’s Guyuanxiang local community in Tianshan District, which has a very large ethnic population. His presence there is a clear affirmation that the Xinjiang region is secure and developing.

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