Ukraine’s CCD Targets Schiller Institute, as Germany, Too, Moves to Silence Free Speech

The Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD) in Kiev posted Oct. 3 an an expanded version of its notorious hitlist of “Speakers Who Promote Narratives Consonant with Russian Propaganda”. The original list identified over 70 international figures who deviated from the official NATO line, declaring them “information terrorists” liable to be tried as “war criminals”. Number one on the CCD’s new list is Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, followed by many speakers at previous SI events. Both Zepp-LaRouche and Schiller Institute spokesman Harley Schlanger are also included in the even more ominous “Myrotvorets” list of enemies to be “liquidated”.

The European Union has apparently also prepared its own lists. In a Sept. 28 press conference, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell announced that as part of the new sanctions, “we also continue to target actors who spread disinformation about the war – in particular, those spreading false information and donating funds to Russian occupied areas [of Ukraine].”

As Borrell indicated, the targeting of actors is already in place in many EU countries. What that means for Germany is exposed in a dossier compiled by Nachdenkseiten, a leading anti-mainstream journal, the first part of which was published on Sept. 29. It focuses on a centralized coordination group set up within the German government back in June to counter and make impossible any independent information on Russia. The dossier is based on an internal government document provided by a whistleblower, who hints that even more is going on behind the scenes.

The document dating from June 27, titled Ongoing activities of departments and authorities against disinformation in connection with RUS war against UKR, specifies the implication of several official entities — the Ministry of the Interior, the Foreign Office, the Federal Press Office and the Defense Ministry. The Interior Ministry is identified as the central hub of state propaganda activities, drafting situation reports focused on Russia-Ukraine every two weeks. A 10-point “resilience plan” involves the dissemination of government-controlled information to institutions (including the Bundestag), the media and even to elementary schools to inoculate children against “disinformation”.

The Foreign Ministry is to create a “living document” that “deconstructs/debunks classic and current Russian narratives on the Ukraine war”, and works with U.S. representatives on disinformation issues. It also cooperates with the Federal Press Office (BPA) on offering training on what may be said, and what not. In light of this apparatus, the quasi total conformity of the German media in terms of their narrative is not surprising. Nor are their attacks against any critics of the government line.

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