The West Should Develop a Promising Vision for the Future, Instead of Complaining about China’s
ChinaPlus ‘World Today’ Radio Program interviewed Helga Zepp-LaRouche on April 29, following the release by the OSCE of a new report on prospects for cooperation between the 57 participating states and China, in which a principal author, Stefan Wolff, proposes that the OSCE consider China as a partner for cooperation. Zepp-LaRouche fully supported that approach, noting:
“Right now, you have a clearly negative response by the United States, Great Britain and some circles in the EU, to the rise of China: They regard it as a geopolitical threat. But, I think the problem is not that the [Chinese] dream is threatening anybody; the problem is that the West has no dream. And I think that such an engagement, such a discussion between China and the countries of the OSCE could inspire the West to develop a vision of how to ensure a safe world. President Xi Jinping talks about a ‘community of a shared future,’ and the West is always very upset about that formulation, but they should come up with their own conception how to create a peaceful future for all of humanity. In that sense it could start a very fruitful discussion.”
The interviewer also asked Helga Zepp-LaRouche if she ex pected a change in German policy toward China in the post- Angela Merkel period. In response, she pointed to the push for a Green chancellor come September, which is worrisome because of the Green Party’s pro-NATO, anti-Russia and anti- China positions. But hopefully, she added, this is only hype and it will have disappeared by the time of the election. And German industry, she also hopes, “will wake up in time and realize that the future of German industry is completely dependent on a good relationship with China.” The Schiller Institute, in any case, is commited to make that happen.