German Greens exposed as Anti-Constitutional

Well-founded doubts that the German Greens and their ideology are not in line with the constitution of the German democracy were enhanced past week by several political developments.

First, in what comes as a middle-sized political earthquake, the Federal Election Office ruled that the Greens’ Saarland state slate for the national election in September is not in accordance with election laws. This means the Greens cannot be voted for in the state of Saarland on Sept. 26, except for direct district candidates.

The ruling is also a big slap in the face of Green chancellor candidate Annalena Baerbock and the national party executive, which massively interfered in the process of putting together a Saarland slate. Baerbock wanted to have a woman head the slate, but the Saarland Greens’ convention in mid-June nominated a male candidate, after the female candidate failed to receive even 30% of the votes. The national executive of the Greens then rallied a fake “mobilization of the party base” to force through a second party convention which then, after excluding delegates potentially in disagreement with the plans, nominated a female slate leader on July 17.

The Saarland state election office however ruled on July 30 that the Green slate was not in accordance with the election laws, a decision that the Green Saarland party executive appealed. The entire case was then transferred to the Federal Election Office on Aug. 2, which reiterated in its ruling that the exclusion of the Green slate from the election was justified by the severe violations of election laws evident in the affair. Since the German constitution guarantees “democratic and fair” elections, this case in itself illustrates the Greens’ disregard for the basic law.

Moreover, their proposal last week for the creation of a new super-ministry with excessive powers to interfere with, and to veto, all budget issues in the government, is in open violation of the budgetary privileges of the cabinet ministries. There is no basis for such a super-ministry in the German constitution. The Greens’ obsession with such a move thus confirms their tendency to think in terms of coup options, rather than remaining within the democratic procedures guaranteed by the constitution.

Unfortunately, this point is not adequately addressed by the other political parties, that basically limited their criticism of the Green proposal to calling it a mere election campaign trick. On the other hand, it is addressed in a 145-page document being nationally circulated by a citizens’ initiative, the “Working Group Rethinking” (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Neubesinnung), among elected political and other institutional officials. The document points out that the Green ideology and political plans go against several articles of the constitution.

Plans to decree a reduction of the per capita energy consumption and related plans to reduce the square meters on which a citizen is allowed to live, as well as the shift to renewables which will cause large-scale blackouts posing a threat to human lives, are reasons enough to file a legal case at the Court, the initiative states, calling on members of parliaments in their function as constitutional bodies, to file a complaint against Green projects at the Constitutional Court.

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