From Russia and China to Latin America, LaRouche’ s Science of Physical Economy
The first panel of the conference then heard from leading Chinese political scientist Ding Yifan, for many years the Deputy Director of the World Development Institute under the State Council in China, who has written several books including chapters on the ideas and discoveries of Lyndon La- Rouche. He noted that LaRouche had focused on two crimes from the ending of Bretton Woods: the abuse of currencies through floating exchange rates, leading to vicious attacks on national currencies, and the deregulation of the financial system, which allowed the speculators to take over. Today’s QE and other hyperinflationary money printing, he said, is creating a cancer in the economy –a demonstration of LaRouche’s warning about entropy resulting from the failure to develop the real economy.
Jozef Miklosko, the former Vice Prime Minister of postcommunist Czechoslovakia and former Slovakian Ambassador to Italy, described his friend LaRouche as the most educated man he’d ever known, and noted that 80 pages of his own book were devoted to LaRouche and his organization. He recommended that a “short book” be produced in all languages on LaRouche’s ideas.
Dr. Natalia Vitrenko, an economist and Chairwoman of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, recalled her years of collaboration with Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, including their call for a “new Bretton Woods” system in 1998. She also reviewed the destruction of Ukraine following the 2014 coup, driving the country from being one of the top ten economies in the world to now the poorest in Europe, with 10 million going hungry, and a population decline by over 20% since 1990. She closed: “Will we be a cemetery with windmills in place of crosses?”
Dr. Kirk Meighoo, a former Senator in Trinidad & Tobago, author and political activist, described how he become a development economist through his education (in Toronto, Jamaica and the U.K.), but only grasped the real key to development after discovering LaRouche on his own through the internet. He fully endorsed the Four Laws proposed by the LaRouche movement worldwide.
Yekaterina Fyodorovna Shamayeva a senior lecturer in Russia, spoke on the fundamental ideas of the “Schools of Lyndon LaRouche and Pobisk Kuznetsov.” The late Pobisk Kuznetsov was one of Russia’s leading scientists and philosophic thinkers, who became a close friend and collaborator of Lyndon LaRouche following the fall of the Soviet Union. He proposed that a new unit of measure of the progress of physical economies be based on LaRouche’s dual conceptions of relative potential population density and energy flux-density, and that the unit be called the “La,” after LaRouche. Shamayeva described the continuing effort in Russia to bring about a synthesis of the ideas of Kuznetsov and LaRouche, emphasizing that economics cannot be separated from the laws of nature.
EIR Economics Editor Paul Gallagher gave an overview of the Bretton Woods system, from the post-war period to its demise in 1971, and the consequences thereof. He presented LaRouche’s forecast at the time, that President Nixon’s decision would lead to a new depression and ultimately to a new fascism. This was but one of LaRouche’s economic forecasts, all of which were proven to be fully prescient.
The first panel closed with video presentations and readings about LaRouche from several people who have since passed away, among them: former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark on the miscarriage of justice in the persecution of La- Rouche; Dr. Enéas Carneiro, a former member of the Brazilian parliament and presidential candidate; former President of Mexico José López Portillo, and former Foreign Minister of Guyana Fred Wills, who in 1976 called on the UN General Assembly to adopt LaRouche’s idea of a New International Economic Order.
Many of the international speakers and participants in the discussion stressed the need to translate more of LaRouche’s major works into other languages, including Russian, Chinese and Arabic, and to disseminate them widely.