EU’s Green Deal Threatened With Extinction

As the Environment Committee of the European Parliament failed to reach a majority in favor of the infamous EU “renaturation” bill on June 27, mainstream media launched the alarm: the Green Deal is threatened with failure. Indeed, 44 EMPs had voted for, and 44 against the bill. Remarkably, while the CDU and so-called “right-wing” factions voted against, the Liberals split, with one part also voting against.

The Environment Committee will now recommend the plenary to reject the Commission proposal. The Conference of Presidents will then set a date for the Parliament to vote, probably in the July plenary session.

According to German media accounts, a good deal of credit for the vote goes to Manfred Weber, the head of the Christian Democratic faction, who organized a broad opposition. Electoral motivations certainly play a role here, as the election of the new Parliament will take place next year, and established parties are threatened with being wiped out, due to their support for the anti-industrial and anti-agricultural policies of Brussels. (Farmers have been in revolt throughout the EU against the infamous law providing for reducing food production. In the Netherlands, they managed to dominate the government in the Senate, while the head of the Italian Condiretti farmers association called EU Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans, who is responsible for the law, “a criminal.”)

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