Belarus: Schiller Institute Represented at Eurasian Security Conference

On Oct. 26-27, a representative of the U.S. Schiller Institute participated, in Minsk, in an in-person conference organized by the Foreign Ministry of Belarus, titled “International High Level Conference: Eurasian Security, Reality and Prospects in a Transforming World.” Keynote addresses were delivered by the Foreign Ministers Sergei Aleinik of Belarus, Sergey Lavrov of Russia, and Peter Szijjarto of Hungary, while the Chargé d’Affaires of the China Embassy delivered an address from Foreign Minister Wang Yi. The Deputy Foreign Ministers of Iran, Myanmar, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan were among the featured speakers, together with top officials of the OSCE, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and the Eurasian Economic Union.

On the panel discussing “Economic Integration and … a Unified Eurasian Security Architecture”, Schiller Institute leader Richard A. Black reviewed three aspects of the many contributions of Lyndon LaRouche and the Schiller Institute to shaping the current transformation worldwide toward global equitable development: 1) the public introduction of the “Eurasian Land-Bridge” proposal in 1991, 2) the breakthrough in the science of physical economy made by Lyndon LaRouche, and 3) a discussion document circulated widely by Schiller Institute founder, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, titled, Ten Principles for a New Security and Economic Development Architecture”(cf. SAS 48/23). Black was joined on the panel by experts from China, Uzbekistan, Türkiye, Armenia and Belarus.

He was also interviewed by TASS, and all the major Belarus TV, radio and internet media, during which he stressed the acute danger of the current Anglo-American policy to dismember Russia and to wage war against China.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov brought up a point he has raised in many recent speeches, namely that Russia remains open to working with Europe, if it manages to “find the strength to become independent” from the United States, and to “abandon their neocolonial instincts and a thoroughly ideological confrontationist policy…”

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