The Red Alert to Nuclear War Has Not Been Lifted!

After the Ukrainian armed forces launched several incredibly dangerous drone attacks against Russia’s early warning radar system for nuclear weapons (cf. SAS 22/24 and below), one might have expected leaders in the West to recognize the danger of provoking a real-life nuclear war and to opt for restraint. But no, NATO leaders chose to brazenly escalate the conflict, dismissing Vladimir Putin’s repeated warnings as simply “bluff”.

Thus, at the conclusion of the meeting of NATO Foreign Affairs ministers on May 31 in Prague, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed to reporters that President Biden had secretly given Kyiv permission to strike targets inside Russia with U.S.-supplied weapons – after refusing to do so for many months. Officially, any such strikes are supposed to be limited to the area near the border with Kharkiv, but no one believes they will be. Just hours after this announcement, German Chancellor Scholz rushed to contradict the position he had been defending even the day before, by giving Kyiv a green light to use German-delivered weapons for the same purpose.

In fact, French President Macron, whose war-mongering has become totally unhinged, had already stated during his press conference with Scholz May 29 that Ukraine should be allowed to use Western weapons to target Russian military bases from which attacks on its territory are launched (but nothing else), which was echoed by the German Chancellor. Other European countries quickly lined up behind them including Finland, Norway, and the Netherlands.

And not to forget that the parade was led by British Foreign Minister David Cameron, who had stated during his visit to Kyiv on May 3 that it was up to Ukraine to decide how to use the weapons supplied by the UK, including to strike targets on Russia territory. One year ago, London began delivering long-range Storm Shadow cruise missiles to Ukraine.

Russian leaders have made it crystal clear that this is tantamount to making NATO countries parties to the war. President Putin explained May 28, in response to Jens Stoltenberg’s blustering about equipping Ukraine with more and better systems, that the long-range precision Western missiles being used by Ukraine, including most of the drones, require Western satellite infrastructure and technicians to operate them, and thus the barrier between Ukraine and its Western controllers is becoming non-existent.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov was even more direct in comments on June 3: “I’d like to warn American actors against miscalculations that can lead to fatal consequences. For some unclear reason they underestimate how serious a response they could face.” American policymakers, he suggested, need to “spend some of their time, which they probably waste on computer games, judging by their air-headed approach to serious issues” on considering what Vladimir Putin actually said.

So, why is NATO throwing all caution to the wind? To put it simply, because Ukraine has lost the war, Russia has not backed down, and the West cannot allow another defeat for NATO, which would irreversibly discredit the western alliance and crush its hopes of going global.

In this situation of extreme tension, the International Peace Coalition, which was co-founded by the Schiller Institute one year ago and has held weekly online meetings since then, is becoming a crucial forum for dialogue among all those forces internationally who are opposed to the attempts by a small Western oligarchy to maintain at all costs the hegemony of an outmoded, dying empire.

Beyond bringing together experts and concerned citizens to discuss various crises in the world, including NATO’s war in Ukraine, the genocide in Gaza, the destruction of Afghanistan, the drug mafia’s takeover in Latin America and many more, and to seek workable solutions to ending them, speakers and participants are engaged in deliberations on the universal principles on which to found a new security and security architecture (cf. below).

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