Ten Principles of a New International Security and Development Architecture

On Nov. 22, the Schiller Institute sponsored its Third Seminar of Political and Social Leaders of the World on the theme: “Stop the Danger of World War Now”, held both online and in person in the Mexican Parliament. Speakers from the United States included Col. Richard H. Black (ret.), Scott Ritter and nuclear war expert Steven Starr. From Europe, peace activists from Germany and two mayors from France reviewed initiatives for peace they are personally involved in. A special focus, however, was on Ibero-America (cf. below).

In bringing the discussions to a conclusion, Helga Zepp-LaRouche proposed to initiate a broad debate worldwide on the form that the new security and development architecture should take on to successfully stop the danger of a world war and to ensure peace through development. To that end, she outlined ten principles which she considers to be the most essential, and which can serve as the basis for the needed debate and deliberations.

The first is to build an alliance of “perfectly sovereign nation states”, based on the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and the UN Charter, and the second is to give absolute priority to “alleviating poverty everywhere on the planet”, which entails, third and fourth, the establishment of “modern health systems” and “universal education”. In addition, Helga Zepp-LaRouche puts forth ideas on the reorganization of the international financial system, and the means to overcome geopolitics. The proposal can be read in full here.

The tenth point is the need to bring the political and economic order into cohesion with the lawfulness of the physical universe, to ensure the harmonic development of both. In a subsequent discussion, on Nov. 25, Helga Zepp-LaRouche explained that the defining question in all this is “the image of man”. “If you think that man is a nuisance to nature, and each human being is a burden on nature, then naturally you will not arrive at any solution.” The opposite is true “if you have the idea that every human being has a unique potential of creative ability, of discovering new principles of the physical universe – what is generally called scientific and technological progress – and that that ability is what differentiates human beings completely from all other species…. It is that ability of discovery that enables you to have a higher living standard, longer longevity, more people living a good life.”

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