Schiller Institute Panel: How to Reverse the Global Pandemic

The second panel of the May 8 Schiller Institute conference was centered on the need for a concerted, global effort to ensure the creation, in every country, of a modern healthcare system to defeat the current and future pandemics (cf. SAS 19/21 for a report on Panel I of the conference). It brought together medical personnel, farmers, and youth from the United States, Germany, Peru, and Venezuela, working with the Schiller Institute’s Committe for the Coincidence of Opposites.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche opened the session with a brief overview of the historic circumstances that led Nicholas of Cusa to develop the method of thinking, which he called the “Coincidence of Opposites”, by which the human mind is able to address seemingly insoluble conflits on a higher level of principle than that on which they arose. That method eminently applies to the rivalries and conflicts we face today, including that of a thermonuclear world war. The solutions, Zepp-LaRouche stressed, clearly lie in the direction of a complete break with geopolitics, or the “divide and conquer” imperial mindset of pittng one nation against another and then manipulating them all, as on a chessboard.

The next speaker was Joycelyn Elders M.D., former Surgeon General of the United States and co-founder of the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites (CCO), who went through some statistics of the problem: over 2 billion people in the world have no access to fresh water, over 2.5 billion experience food insecurity, and 270 million people face potential famine, according to the World Food Program, while about 1.2 billion people have no access to electricity. But without such basics as clean water, abundant food and cheap electricity, there is no way to ensure healthy lives and adequate healthcare. The current pandemic, Dr. Elders stated polemically, is not due to the failure of medicine, but rather to a failed economic policy, which she called “the suicidal economics of indifference.”

The panel also heard from Dr. Khadijah Lang, President of the Golden State Medical Association, and Dr. Walter Faggett, the former Chief Medical Officer of Washington D.C., who presented two pilot projects underway that are supported by the CCO. Marcia Baker of EIR gave a broad overview of the successes and challenges facing the agricultural sector, and the production and distribution of food.

That theme was also taken up in two separate video clips from two German farmers, Alf Schmidt and Rainer Seidl, who warned that the greatest danger right now in Europe is that the Green Deal is taking farmland out of production, and that the use of both pesticides and fertilizers is being cut by much as 25%.

From South America, Luis Vasquez of the SI in Peru shocked many with his description of the devastating lack of medical resources in his country to fight the Coronavirus, while Antonio Sanchez of the International LaRouche Youth Movement, a Venezuelan now living in Chile, described the acute economic problems in both these countries, which have been severely compounded by the current pandemic. All videos can be watched at

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