Earth’s Next Fifty Years
The second panel of the LaRouche Legacy Foundation’s event took up the topic of Lyndon LaRouche’s vision of “Earth’s Next Fifty Years”. Moderator Megan Dobrodt, Secretary-Treasurer of the LaRouche Legacy Foundation Board of Directors, opened the panel with a 1995 video of the LaRouches’ close friend and collaborator, Norbert Brainin, the lead violinist of the legendary Amadeus Quartet.
In the short clip shown, Brainin explained a musical concept which in his view is fundamental, that of Motivführung, or “motivic thorough-composition,” an approach to classical composition developed by Haydn and refined by Mozart and Beethoven. Although he often talked about it with professional colleagues and students, Brainin said, LaRouche was the only person who really understood it completely.
This was followed by a recording of LaRouche addressing the issue of human creativity at the July 3, 2011 European Schiller Institute conference, and the way it is expressed in both classical art and physical science.
The first speaker on the panel was Jacques Cheminade, President of the Solidarité et Progrès party in France, and a former Presidential candidate. He described his decades of collaboration with Lyndon LaRouche in France, where truly independent-thinking leaders from the entire political spectrum, from Communists to Conservatives, as well as Maurice Allais, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, appreciated LaRouche’s economic outlook and defense of national sovereignty.
Two representatives from Argentina, Roberto Fritzsche and Eduardo Fernandez, used discoveries of the great Russian biogeochemist Vladimir Vernadsky to explain LaRouche’s concept of “relative potential population density” in relation to “energy flux density” and improvements in living standards.
Harley Schlanger, a long-time leader of the LaRouche movement, followed with an ironically revealing behind the scenes report on the origins of Richard Nixon’s disastrous August 15, 1971 announcement. He provided particular insight into the role of Nixon’s Secretary of the Treasury, John Connally of Texas, whom he confronted personally on the issue many years later.
Daisuke Kotegawa, formerly a top official in Japan’s Ministry of Finance and Japan’s Executive Director at the IMF, sent a greeting backing LaRouche’s distinction between investments in the real economy as opposed to speculation, and called for restoring Glass-Steagall.
Fred Huenefeld, an agricultural economist who has served in multiple government positions in Louisiana, and is a longtime board member of the Schiller Institute, gave an animated description of his years of agitating for LaRouche’s ideas, including in the U.S. Congress.
From South Carolina, former State Senator Theo Mitchell, a leader in the Democratic Party and a board member of the Schiller Institute, discussed his work to expose the FBI’s misjustice in the prosecution of LaRouche and in the “Fruhmenschen” campaign which targeted Black elected officials, including himself.
The concluding section, on LaRouche in the universities, gave youth leaders of the LaRouche movement from Latin America, the Philippines and the United States an opportunity to discuss their commitment to getting LaRouche’s work into universities and elsewhere.