Averting the Perfect Storm: A Call to Action from the Schiller Institute
The Schiller Institute international conference June 18-19, titled, “There Can Be No Peace without the Bankruptcy Reorganization of the Dying Trans-Atlantic Financial System,” was focused on initiating actions worldwide to bring about a new economic and security architecture as soon as possible, given the present economic breakdown, world food crisis and acute war danger.
The presentations were grouped into four panels, each opened with Classical musical offerings. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute appealed to all to circulate the proceedings widely, as they provide a counterpole to the “synchronized media” which present narratives based on a complete “discrepancy” with reality. All four panels are archived on the Schiller Institute website, and will soon be available in translation into Spanish, French, and German as well on the respective websites. We strongly urge our readers to watch as much as the proceedings as possible.
A special feature throughout the conference were the selected historical video clips of speeches given by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., whose birth centennial is celebrated this year. Helga Zepp-LaRouche proposed that, coming out of the conference, a petition should be circulated calling for a “New Bretton Woods” financial framework, that is, for a just credit system serving the development interests of all nations, in the tradition of the original intention of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, as opposed as to what that Bretton Woods framework later became.
Mrs. LaRouche began her keynote speech by evoking the image of a high-speed train approaching a cliff at top speed, with an engineer at the controls who has gone mad, and will do nothing to pull the brakes, thus plunging the train and all the passengers into the abyss. That train represents the policy of NATO, the United States, the European Union and the countries that support them and their desperate attempts to save a dying financial power system, including possibly through nuclear war. She called the current global crisis the worst in the history of civilization.