At Minutes to Midnight, Mobilize for Peace!

The international Schiller Institute and associates in many countries around the world have launched a campaign over the next six weeks to catalyze an international mass movement, extending across the so-called West and the Global South alike, around the demand that unconditional negotiations be undertaken immediately to resolve the Ukrainian-Russian conflict before we are all blown up in a nuclear war. This single continuous mobilization over the next six weeks will be focused through a series of conferences debating the ideas required to create a “world revolution” for peace and development, leading up to a day of international rallies against war on February 19.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg reiterated on Jan. 5 that the only option now is to provide Ukraine with more weapons, and not to negotiate. “Weapons are – in fact – the way to peace”, he proclaimed. The rallying call has been heard by major NATO member countries, with the Biden Administration announcing the same day the largest package of military aid, so far, including 50 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles. Shortly afterwards, it was made known that France will deliver AMX-10RC armored vehicles and that Germany will be sending some 40 Marder tanks. The Greens in the Scholz government, who are the most gun-ho for all out war, are already calling for Leopard battle tanks to be provided as well.

The Ukrainian side is nonetheless demanding more. The mindset in Kiev was expressed by its ambassador to the United Kingdom, Vadym Prystaiko, who told Newsweek (Jan. 7) that Ukraine’s historic mission is to destroy Russia — at the cost of the nation and its people, if necessary. “There are not many nations in the world who would allow themselves to sacrifice so many lives, territories and decades of development for the purpose of defeating the archenemy.” . Moreover, NATO and Kiev rejected the orthodox Christmas truce that Vladimir Putin proclaimed on Jan. 5.

Now, despite all the unnecessary loss of lives, “Global NATO” is intent on opening a second front, in the Asia-Pacific this time, aimed primarily at China, but also at Russia. In that respect, Japan has adopted a new National Security Strategy for re-militarization, which reads in good part like a carbon copy of the U.S. doctrine. At the same time, provocations of China over Taiwan continue, including the visit of a delegation of the German FDP headed by Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, who may fancy herself as a somewhat younger version of discredited U.S. congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.

What the transatlantic world is apparently not ready to take on, is the inevitable collapse of the current financial system. That, despite the injections of untold amounts into the infamous “military-industrial complex”, in addition to the “green” hoaxes. It is no longer a question of whether the final crash will come, but when…

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