International Appeal for a New World Economic Order

A “Call for an Ad-Hoc Committee for a New Bretton Woods System” has just been issued by the Schiller Institute, coming out of the online conference held on June 18-19 (cf. SAS 25/22). The text outlines the physical economic principles on which to found a workable world order to replace the current neoliberal system of globalization, which is leading the world into global war and economic collapse.

It presents eight steps required to bring about the needed changes, beginning with the reorganization of the current financial system, and replacing it with a New Bretton Woods, that is, “a new credit system” whose aim is to “overcome poverty and underdevelopment in the entire world”, and “raise living standards in developing countries”. At the same time, a new international security must be put into place. It ends with the statement: “We must make people the priority of the economy, which is not a self-service shop for billionaires and millionaires, but must serve the Common Good. The new economic order must guarantee the inalienable rights of all people on Earth.” The full call together with a list of the first signers will soon be published on the Schiller Institute website.

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