The Ominous Tiger Team in the White House

The Tiger team, mentioned by Jacques Baud in the previous item, was created in November 2021 on the initiative of U.S. National Security Advsior Jake Sullivan. Its alleged purpose, according to an article on National Public Radio, was to  “focus on studying actions that can prevent an attack from Russia, as well as building a chain of responses that will be triggered if Russia attacks Ukraine, including sanctions, transfers of military, diplomatic messages, security for embassy staff, humanitarian assistance and cyber warfare.” It was the Tiger Team which cooked up the idea of deploying 3,000 soldiers from the 82nd Airborne Division to Poland.

The Tiger Team is led by the director of strategy for the US National Security Council Alexander Bick. It includes representatives from the intelligence community, the State Department, the Treasury Department, Homeland Security, the Secretary of Defense, the Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Department of Energy, and the Agency for International Development.

Bick is no new comer to creating wars. He had served in the Obama Administration, first in the Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations and the Policy Planning Staff at the Department of State, and then as Director for Syria at the National Security Council where he was obviously involved in the Syria regime change operation. When not serving in government, Bick had been Associate Director of the Henry A. Kissinger Center for Global Affairs at Johns Hopkins-SAIS. He had also worked for The Carter Center, where he directed international election observation missions in Liberia and Libya, and in the UK Parliament, where he staffed in the office of Labor Party MP Julia Drown MP.